Our commitment to CSR is not only driven by our responsibility as a corporate citizen, but also by the recognition that sustainable practices are key to our long-term growth. We strive to ensure a resilient future for AIA and the broader communities in which we operate.

₹ 1,289.32 LAKHS

Education - ₹ 603.12 Lakhs
- Gyan Deep Programme
- Scholarship Programme
- LXS Foundation
- Jan Jagrati Sevarth Sansthan
- IIT, Kanpur
Healthcare - ₹ 364.06 Lakhs
- Care Institute of Medical Sciences Foundation (CIMS)
- Dr. Jivraj Mehta Smarak Health Foundation
- Gujarat Cancer Society
- Nihar Charitable Trust
Environment - ₹ 167.36 Lakhs
- ARC Foundation
Promotion of Sports - ₹ 64.53 Lakhs
National Heritage/Art/Culture - ₹ 55.25 Lakhs
- Karmakshetra Educational Foundation (DARPANA)
Eradicating Hunger - ₹ 35.00 Lakhs
- Tulsi Vallabh Nidhi
- Akshay Patra Foundation

Education Initiatives
Gyan Deep Programme
AIA has continued to expand the Company’s educational initiative called as Gyan Deep Programme through:
Schools Covered
(i) Yuva Unstoppable
It establishes an environment that promotes the utilisation of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in Government Schools. This includes ensuring widespread access to ICT devices, internet connectivity, and fostering ICT literacy among students. The objective is to empower every student with digital literacy while equipping teachers with the necessary skills to effectively deliver education using IT resources and contemporary techniques. By fostering self-learning and shifting the learning paradigm from teacher-centred to student-centred, this initiative encourages critical thinking, analytical skills, and overall academic growth.

(ii) Jeevantirth VaaGaLe Utsav
Jeevantirth is implementing the ‘VaaGaLe Utsav’ project and is focussed on Joyful Learning & Meaningful Education. This project aims to benefit government schools in Ahmedabad. Its objective is to prepare these schools for child-centred education by facilitating knowledge construction, fostering relationships, and providing essential materials such as Activity Sheets, Working Materials, and Stationery for Students. Additionally, the project encourages active participation in workshops like scientific fairs to rekindle interest in education through interactive and experiential learning methods.

AIA Scholarship Programme
AIA CSR Foundation addresses the challenges of education among marginalised communities and fosters employment opportunities through its innovative education scholarship management system, Vidyasaarathi. By providing educational support, this system empowers deserving students to overcome financial barriers and pursue higher education. Through its initiatives, the Foundation not only contributes to the growth of education but also creates pathways for socio-economic development, benefiting both individuals and the nation at large.

LXS Campaign
LXS Foundation is aiming to develop an Innovation Centre for underprivileged girls of Ahmedabad and Gujarat. It is restoring old school building located at Raikhad-Khadia, Old City, Ahmedabad. (Gujarat).

Jan Jagrati Sevarth Sansthan
Jan Jagrati Sevarth Sansthan, an Indian non-profit organisation, uplifts marginalised communities through education, skill development, and health initiatives. Founded by dedicated individuals, it employs participatory methodology for sustainable impact. The organisation is also establishing an English Medium Co-Education School in Rajasthan for holistic student growth. It strives to combat illiteracy and improve hygiene among rural populations, enhancing their quality of life.

IIT Kanpur
Contribution was provided to augment Solar Energy Capacity by 200 KW at IIT, Kanpur (UP).

Healthcare Initiative
AIA has been committed to enhancing healthcare services through collaborations with renowned institutions like Care Institute of Medical Sciences Foundation, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Smarak Health Foundation, Nihar Charitable Trust and Gujarat Cancer Society etc. These partnerships reflect AIA’s dedication to fostering a positive well-being of Society.

Plantation Initiative
AIA, in collaboration with ARC foundation, planted approximately 1,00,000 trees at Chiloda Air-Force Colony, Air Force Recruitment Board, Gandhinagar, Military Cantonment Board, Ahmedabad, Air Force Military Cantonment, Baroda, Ahmedabad Municipal East Zone Park and Nikol Ward Garden, Ahmedabad.

AIA , through Darpana, proposes to teach Indian folk dance to children between the ages of 8 to 14 studying in under-privileged schools. Darpana works with the school administration, teachers, parents and School Management Committees, convincing them of the value of the holistic development that would take place in their students with the inclusion of performing arts pedagogy in their schooling.

Eradicating Hunger INITIATIVE
The Akshay Patra Foundation serves mid-day meals to School Children in Government and Government aided Schools.