Gyan Deep Programme
Under the Gyan Deep Educational Program, AIA is collaborating with 11 Government Primary schools
Changodar, Odhav, and
surrounding areas to support underprivileged students.
Yuva Unstoppable
‘Yuva Unstoppable’ establishes a conducive
environment for utilisation of Information and
Communications Technology (ICT) in Government
Schools. It involves ensuring widespread access
to ICT devices, providing internet connectivity, and
promoting ICT literacy among students. This initiative
aims to empower students with digital literacy and
equip teachers with the essential skills for utilising IT
resources and modern techniques in education delivery.
It fosters self-learning and facilitates the transition
from a teacher-centred to a student-centred learning
approach. This approach helps promote critical thinking,
analytical skills, and overall academic development.
Jeevantirth VaaGaLe Utsav
Jeevantirth is working on areas for foundational literacy
and numeracy (FLN), nature education, value education,
life-skill education, and citizenship training. Aligned
with the objectives of NIPUN Bharat under NEP 2020,
with a goal to ‘Bridge the Gap’ and enhance overall
development by providing additional support through
qualified and trained educational volunteers. Jeevantirth
serves as our esteemed knowledge and implementation
partner in this initiative.
In the year 2023-24, a total of 5,924 primary school
children were reached and benefited in three categories:
(1) Foundation stage: BalVatika & standard 1 & 2 with
strategic thrust on domains of development and funway learning through songs, stories and games.
Preparatory stage: Standard 3 to 5 with strategic thrust on FLN with teaching learning materials
peer learning methods. (3) For middle, blossoming stage:
Standard 6 to 8 with strategic thrust on life-skill education,
nature education and value education. For this stage, we
focused on integral education to develop their physical,
mental, emotional and spiritual being as per ‘PanchKosh
Vikaas’ as per NCF 2022.