Our Partnerships


Our Company, in collaboration with Vega Industries, is committed to nurturing strategic global partnerships to drive innovation and enhance product quality. These concerted endeavours also help deliver comprehensive services to our clientele.

Energy Efficient Milling Solutions (EEMS)

EEMS (Energy Efficient Milling Solutions) LLC, a USbased partner, specialises in optimising AG/SAG/ Ball Mill circuits in the mining industry with energy efficient solutions. The company excels in grinding circuit simulations and developing the innovative EEPL (Energy Efficient Pulp Lifter) liner design through comprehensive mill studies.

Ore 2 Metal

Ore 2 Metal’s distinctive ‘Mine to Metal’ methodology focusses on optimising grind, chemistry, and recovery. To undertake these functions, the Company establishes optimal grind conditions, identifies appropriate chemistry, and determines precise flotation and/or leach conditions.

University of Queensland - VEGA Grinding and Flotation Chemistry Centre

Vega Industries has collaborated with the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Queensland, to establish a UQ-VEGA Grinding and Flotation Chemistry Centre. The Centre is supported by a strong research team under the leadership of Prof. Yongjun Pen.

Mining Products and Services (MPS)

Vega Industries has partnered Australia’s Mining Products and Services (MPS), an expert company engaged in designing and optimising mill linings for the mineral processing industry. MPS has over 25 years of experience in liner design, metallurgy, project management, quality control, and optimisation. Backed by this extensive expertise, the company contributed to projects across diverse mineralogical and geographical settings.